Alm Cosmetics Wood Comb #1 Made in Poland


Alm Cosmetics Wood Comb #1 Made in Poland

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SKU: almwood1 Category:


These simple wood combs from Poland are impressive in their ability to be smooth and inert on the cheap, without feeling ‘cheap’, if that makes any sense.  In our extensive EU travels scrounging for nuts to hawk, we’ve seen some exotically beautiful handmade combs from Germany which were ~7-10x the cost and true works of art, and they indeed were a little stiffer so possibly more durable, but I don’t think they actually worked better as a comb.  A good comb should have no unwelcome points or seams on its tips, be durable enough to task, refuse to conduct static, and take on heat added from you…and if they’re really good, stimulate your scalp to boot.  The wooden ones and the carbon fiber cannot produce the pro-health nature of the tip of the horn comb, simply because of the very nature of horn, but they are better at gliding and the negative space between the teeth tends to remain clear far better.  You can’t beat these up like you can the Beuy Pro fiberglass, but take care of it and it will take care of you.

USA ONLY; these are too easily cracked to risk shipping internationally, the cost to ship it alone relative to the value would be ridiculous.

Additional information

Weight 1.8 oz
Dimensions 8 × 4 × 1 in