Convex Vintage Norton SIB6 Soft Arkansas India Whetstone ~2x6x0.75″ Sharpening Stone Razor Hone | Made in USA


Convex Sharpening Hone | Made in USA | Shaped to a 6.5’Ø x 25’Ø Ellipse

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This 1970sish combination Bear/Pike/Norton SIB6 is the smoothest-grained piece of Soft Arkansas stone I’ve personally ever handled.

It was marred on that one corner and pretty greasy as I received it, while the India side looked perhaps never used.  I inverted it to soaked in shall pool of degreaser, and the stone became perfectly clean (and the liquid dirty!) after a few days.

Thereafter, it was shaped on the soft Ark side using the “the Jarrod plate” for a 6.5’Ø down the 6″ axis and ~25’Ø across the 2″ axis.

If you want an Arkansas stone first step and are buying for the quality of the rock and no other concerns, this is the one to buy, the feedback is incredible.

Additional information

Weight 17 oz
Dimensions 6 × 2 × 2 in