Intentionally Convex ~48x114x21mm ~300g Hard Arkansas Stone | One ~25x76mm Facet Shaped to 25’Øx6.5’Ø Ellipse | Made in USA


Never to Be Seen Upon “The River of Fakes

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SKU: convexhardark06132024 Category:


here’s a ~2×4.5×0.8″ vintage Hard Arkansas stone formed diligently to have an ellipse on one ~2×4.5″ surface, an ellipse shaped 25’Ø down the length and 6.5’Ø across the width.   I bought it on eBay, for $44.72 delivered, and shaped it for ~40 minutes (miserable) labor, another half an hour or so shooting/editing/uploading this SKU.

I used this shaping tool to make this form on the stone, together with these abrasives – and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you’re reading this and you shop on The River of Fakes, please use that link to buy something, I beg of you…it doesn’t have to be these Z-Lion abrasives, you just have to click on that link and finish a shopping session within a certain time period (a time period which I don’t know).  You can use the links to buy this, this, or even this.  The choice is yours!

I’ll profit ~$48 for all that trouble, assuming I *don’t* have to reduce this $103-delivered selling price, or sell it on eBay where they take a bite!  Not very good work, if you can find it, but the idea is that someone new to the world of concaving their razor bevel will buy it, and use it, and tell someone else on the internet, so that one day, the poor geometrically crazy folks chasing concavities in their various cutting edges’ bevel profiles can live out in the open.  Besides, the world’s got very little use left for some fifty-something Caucasian self-employed 15+ yrs, trust me.  I got the time.

It has been polished to JIS 400 standard.

The side with the original label has not been altered, and likely is as it was from the factory, whoever that was and whenever that was.  That facet’s slightly convex, nothing like the ellipse on the shaped side, but not flat if you’re after that.