Dovo 32780114 XL Russian Leather Razor Strop (old #18080002) | ~3.1×15″ 7.9×38 cm Stropping Area | Made in Solingen Germany


Dovo 32780114 XL Russian Leather Razor Strop (old #8080002) | ~3.1×15″ 7.9×38 cm Stropping Area | Made in Solingen Germany | EAN 4045284009185

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SKU: dovo32780114XLstrop Categories: ,


Back from the dead!  It is good to have you back, you delicious slice of costly calfhide!

The updated-since-2022 DOVO XL strop is +0.4mm thicker – but also more pliant than – the Herold ~near-equivalents, and that it is ~0.4mm less thick than the last Dovo-labeled batches prior to their bankruptcy (not to mention a whole lot lighter looking hue for the hide now, but that may from comparing the old stuff which could be subject to oxidation).

Dovo always insisted upon the best cuts of this Solingen-common German style calf hide for the Dovo-labeled units.  They don’t really have an obnoxious price delta vs the Herolds at this point, either, so it is your money and a mere quality of life issue has to be evaluated for its value as only you see fit, but these feel better every single time they’re used, which can easily be thousands of sessions.

If it was to be a paste-specific sharpening strop, I’d certainly espouse using a Herold branded strop instead.  But for daily stropping on the plain leather, the Herolds simply are not in the same class as the Dovo XL.

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 2 in