Convex Norton HB13 Hard Arkansas Stones ~9x24x76mm ~44-46g | Made in USA


Convex Norton HB13 Hard Arkansas Stones


These ‘vintage’ (to humans’ time of extraction, not to the rocks’ time on the Earth!) Norton HB13 hard Arkansas stones are ~9x24x76mm and were likely produced in the later 1980s to early 1990s.

It isn’t even super profitable to list this for ya’ll – these cost $37.11/ea. delivered, and I sunk in ~1.5hrs labor shaping/photographing/editing/uploading, heavy on the ‘shaping’ part.  But they’re important to source and list because this tool /technique’s so damn good, at some point if they’re out there as finished devices for the end users it will be talked about on the shaving forums, and, maybe, help straight razors sell just a little better, because they shave more easily.

On the two black ones, I’ve shaped a 6.5’Øx25’Ø form down the ~9x76mm facet which is ‘above’ the “NORTON Abrasives HB-13 HARD ARKANSAS – MADE IN U.S. OF A.” writing, and a ~25’Øx6.5’Ø form down the ~9x76mm facet which is ‘below’ the writing.  The two ~24x76mm facets have not been altered from the factory.  Use them as a file like I’ve been showing in the YouTube videos, you can’t  believe how well it works!

Unfortunately, when we’re dealing with something rock-hard like these and only 9mm on the shortest aspect, it is actually harder to *shape* the 9x76mm facet than it is to shape the 24x76mm facet.  That’s because it is pretty easy to keep the 24x76mm facet flush to the “the Jarrod plate“.   Using them as a file, the 9x76mm facet works easily.  But shaping it is tough.  15x24x76mm would be a whooooole lot easier to shape.

For the white-ish “#3” one, I only shaped one facet, the unmarked side which is ~24x76mm, and that is shaped 6.5’Ø down the length and 25’Ø across the width.

They all have boxes in various condition included.  I am not humouring “box collectors” – you will receive a box that went with the stone and it will look age-appropriate.

These are tools, to be used, and as I’ve shaped them for the world of straight razors, it is hard to find a better tool for the task.

Additional information

Weight 17 oz
Dimensions 6 × 2 × 2 in
Select Your Specimen

#1 46.6g, #2 44.1g, #3 44.1g