Shaped by the ‘the Jarrod plate‘ and these papers and this to have 6.5’Ø shape on one side, 25’Ø shape on the opposite side, the other two sides factory flat from Dan’s and that means dammmmmn flat.
This file will be rock hard and fine, with that crispy sizzle feedback the trans has that the black does not.
As an intermediary device, between work from either a water stone shaped to the ‘the jarrod plate’ short axis or the little diamond thingies or a fancy shaped Washita if you’re lucky to the Black Arkansas finisher, a great hard Arkansas shaped file such as this is pretty much unsurpassed. Quality of life and function of the tool are both tremendous.
You use this just like you’ve seen me do in the recent YouTube videos; as taught to me, in some way, but footage emailed to me by our mutual friend in abrasives.
Took~30mins’ grinding labor.